Join my wholesome newsletter & receive your FREE immune-boosting e-book!


Included in the e-book

P1: What is the immune system and how does it work?
P2: Top tips for boosting immunity
P3: Family-friendly meal plan
P4: The shopping list for the meal plan
P6-11: Recipes for the meal plan

I hope this helps support your family's immune system so you can dodge all the sneaky winter bugs!


About me…

It's so lovely to virtually meet you! I wanted to introduce myself & give some context around what brings me here with you today… The short story is that before becoming a mother I worked for global brands in the health & wellness industry, then after I had our first baby I created my own business in this space (The Yoga Collective) which supports women through pregnancy, birth, & motherhood.

The catalyst for this was my own journey to motherhood. I experienced an accumulation of challenges that resulted in me really struggling & missing out on so many joyful moments with our first baby.

Fast forward 4 years & another baby later I can honestly say I am absolutely thriving, so my passion now is to support other mothers with their health and wellness so they too can thrive in motherhood and life! And in turn, take care of their families.

So thank you for joining me hear I look forward to supporting you and your family on your wellness journey!

Big love Katie x